Ir. Ng was ASHRAE Director and Regional Chair(DRC) 2016 - 2019 which covers ASHRAE Chapters from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Beijing and Shanghai Section.
He is also a registered PEPC with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM), Past President of ASHRAE Malaysia Chapter and Malaysia Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Association (MACRA).
Ir. Ng was a member of the working group for the MS1525:2019 and the MS2449:2012 the MPLV Standard for Chillers, and was Council and Excomm Member of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) 2022-2026.
He is the Malaysia Green Building Index Facilitator ( GBI ), Trainer and Examiner since the introduction of these rating tools in 2009. His accolades continue as a council member for the Malaysia Green Building Council ( MGBC ) since 2011 till 2025 and as a Panel Judge Member for the renowned International ASHRAE (USA) Technology Award 2011-2013 and Emerson Cup 2012.